Untitled (a various group of bodies)
Commissioned by Catalyst Arts, part of the Belfast Photo Festival, 2021
And, if we observe the present—
Whilst reality shivers, we hear the sound of something trying to make a sound. Here, ‘we will
allow both writing and art to operate separately, while offering the hope of
dialogue, reciprocity, poetry between the two.’
And, if we observe the present—
becoming, is all art in the ‘future perfect’? Completed gesture, action and utterance that evades becoming
past because it only rises up to meet us in the future where we encounter it.
Cold or comfortable. Stock still, or shifting. Closer and further from walls
stretched wide behind the tangible expressions we place on top of them.
A single figure reaches into the inky black of plate glass. Only
their two legs visible, a foot arched in the airless void. The shape of this
body, queer, androgyne, appears unmoored from ground or fixed form, not always
recognisable as human. In another plate, the body stands, scanned from the toes
upwards. Our eyes tread circles around the series of images, looking in lines
from one to the other, across a body of work, a body working.
Like ‘next generation’ phone screens whose surfaces are mirrored
in unique prints (A Various Group of Bodies) the language of technology
speaks to futurity when attempting to describe its own present. What has been
deserted in the burn and illumination of this figure who moves like liquid
glitched? There is distinctness, the landscape of the body depth-mapped and
made geological. Curving limbs worked away from words, splashes of hair we wear
on our heads and in soft places, atmospheres over stories. ‘There is more than
one way for a body to become.’
Text by Lucie McLaughlin, commissioned by Catalyst Arts, 2021